b. Nicholas Kasanda Wa Mikalay, 1939, Luluaborg, Zaire, d. 1985, Kinshasa, Zaire. A member of Le Grande Kalle’s African Jazz in the early 60s, expert guitarist and composer Nico went on to be a founder member, with Rochereau, of African Fiesta, one of the most popular and influential Zairean bands of the mid and late 60s. He was born into a musical family, but later attended the Leopold II Institute, graduating as a technical teacher in 1957.
Dr. Nico Biography>
When Pan Africanism mattered, Dr. Nico was there to gloify it.
Dr Nico's vituosity goes Latin American
Rythm, Beauty and Perfection.
Lucie-Another Beauty from the Master
Thanks, Master
Asala Malekoum
Dr Nico Tabuley Roger Bilombe Ya Africa
Nasai Eloko Te
Marie Neila
Kiri Kiri Mabina ya sika
Bougie Ya Moutema
Mokilli ya Nzambe
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